The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
1 John 5

My Favorites

Friday, March 11, 2011

Prayers for Japan

I am writing this blog today in hopes of uniting our many prayers for all those who have been and are being affected by  today's horrific earthquake. It is too easy in such hard times to give up and not see that there can be hope in times of such heartache. It is unimaginable to try to understand what the Japanese people are feeling right now, it's hard to watch as the lives of all those affected are washed away in such a horrific natural disaster. It is also tempting to turn of the television and the news and distance ourselves from the calamities facing other countries around the world. We are all facing our own storms, our own waves of uncertainty but we need to look beyond ourselves as well and pray for each-other and for our brothers and sisters near and far. 
Please keep Japan and all those affected by today's earthquake in your thoughts and prayers.

Hear my prayer, O LORD; listen to my cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.
Psalm 86:3-7

Trust His Merciful Love

Trust in the Lords love in all that you do
Share His heart faithfully as He has showered this gift upon you
Worry not in what is to be within your lives
Rely on His love let His almighty heart be your guide
Remember His mercy for you and share this blessing with all those you meet
For we all need His mercy to be freed from the grips of evils greed
To shine upon the world the Lords love that en-kindles all souls
The divinity of His pure love feeds these fires in our hearts that glow
From His heart to ours and out into the hearts of His children whom He made
Saving us from sin as we turn to Him we begin to see and obey
His love is gracious and for all to accept and to share
For He loves every soul and longs for all hearts to hear
Not one loved above any other but all loved in His own special way
For our Father gave us His breath of life, molded each one of us as His most precious clay
He searches our hearts as we pray sincerely for all of our cares
He reaches down gently and touches us with loving hands to ease our fears
A love filled feeling of just knowing His presence is ever so near
A grace of simple humble love blessed upon us when we feel we are weak
A way out of the darkness that looms to try and trip our righteous feet
So worry not what will be today nor tomorrow
Trust only in The Lord; let Him be your guide as you faithfully follow
Go to Him truthfully as you put on your armor each day
Be a light of His pure love and mercy showing many the way
Take them with you placing their heart in the Lords hands
Their hearts will beat anew as they will now understand
He wants not one to be lost nor forgotten in these hard times that draw near
The Lord almighty is guiding His flock with His tender love that we all have and need to share

Matthew 16:2-4

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

World Poetry Day 2011 // Bloggers Unite

World Poetry Day 2011 // Bloggers Unite

Strength Not My Own

Come to me my Lord; grace me with your strength
For the days they become long and in the nights darkness you are my only defense
The fear that surrounds and encamps itself about my soul
Seeking to break in the moment I lose hope
Always waiting for me to let go
Just scavengers searching and seeking from the depths they have come
They hunt for the weak but this battle you have already won
The glory of your peace to calm and slay the doubts that seem to grow
For within my heart your presence grants a strength that is not my own
Though fires have tried and burned through my heart I will not forsake your name
In the omnipotence of your presence I shout out in faith I do proclaim
That Jesus is my Lord, my King, the rock and foundation of my faith
I place his armor upon my soul and walk freely by his grace
I put on the belt of truth and with the helmet of salvation I make ready my soul
His word becomes my sword to slay the taunting doubts that seek to destroy my hope
Standing firm in his righteousness, my shield of faith I hold
And though at times I may falter and fall to the ground in pain
He is always there to help me back up whenever I call out His name
Jesus is my strength, my shepherd, my rock and my heavenly King
The foundation upon which I place my soul, my strength in everything

 Each moment of our lives brings new blessings and each day new chance to live as a follower of Christ. There are the hard times as well and in those trials we allow our pain to blind us, but who are we to try and understand God’s ways. We can’t they are too big for us each and every moment is a gift for us to cherish and be thankful for. 
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